Peek into our world.

Why kindness? Because we believe that people are naturally inclined to serve others. We believe that people find joy in the pleasure of others. And we believe that people should always be kind and generous to one another. We’re building a world full of people that share these beliefs, where everyone takes responsibility for making each human interaction uplifting and enchanting. Imagine the kind of experience our guests have in the hands of these individuals. Individuals who don’t wait around for a “supervisor’s” instructions or a “manager’s” approval to make people happy. Individuals who instead take bold action to bring people on the spot joy.

The resulting byproducts of this way of life are trust, loyalty, and emotional connections that translate into raving fans who want to keep spending money at our hotels. So everyone wins: our employees, our guests, our collaborators, and our investors… how’s that for touchy-feely?

What we dream of.

Our goal is to redefine the notion of hospitality. The way we’re doing that is by throwing out as many rules, policies, and standard operating procedures as we can, and enabling everyone on our team to thoughtfully make their own judgments and decisions about how best to make people happy. This may seem impossible, but the problem with rules and policies is that they encourage people to act without thinking. We find this dangerous, and would rather place our trust in people’s thoughtfulness.

As we get better and better at doing this, we hope to become a borrower of choice for hotel lenders and a developer/operator of choice for hotel investors so we can continue building great hotels in which to spread the kindness.

Founder & instigator.

Jay Patel started this business as a response to the lousy recruiting experience he had coming out of graduate school into the hospitality industry. A culture of servant leadership, investment in people, and fighting the forces of mediocrity is what drives us. We try not to take ourselves too seriously here, especially since we’re not performing rocket surgery (or brain science!). But we do believe that our work of making people happy is important, and that we constantly need to reinvent how we do it. So Jay is responsible for starting new things, questioning conventional wisdom, getting rid of what doesn’t work, and making sure our talented people never want to leave.